Current SMU Medical Student wearing white coat

USA Applicants

St. Matthew’s University has a rich history of training successful doctors and is dedicated to providing top-notch medical education. We stand as a pathway to a rewarding and influential career in healthcare for numerous American students.

Why St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine (SMUSOM)?

While St. Matthew’s University has welcomed students from more than forty countries and has a very diverse student body, the majority of our students are from the U.S. By choosing to study at our Grand Cayman campus, you will become part of a vibrant and inclusive community of students and healthcare leaders, all dedicated to achieving excellence as medical doctors.

Over the past four years, all of our graduates have successfully secured residency placements.* This remarkable accomplishment can be attributed to the exceptional faculty at St. Matthew’s as well as the skills and work ethic of our students. With small class sizes and a student-to-faculty ratio of 7:1, our faculty provides personalized instruction, which has proven to be highly effective. As a result, our students consistently achieve impressive pass rates on the USMLE Step I exam. From 2018 to 2022, the average first-time pass rates for SMUSOM students were 92% for USMLE Step 1 and 94% for USMLE Step 2, showcasing their unwavering dedication to achieving excellence.**

*96% Four Year Residency Placement Rate is the percent of students attaining a residency position out of all graduates or expected graduates in 2020-21, 2021-22, 2022-23 and 2023-24 who were active applicants in the NRMP match or attained a residency outside the NRMP match.

**First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step Exam on their first attempt divided by the total number of students taking the exam for the first time.

MD Curriculum 

St. Matthew’s University MD curriculum was designed by U.S.-based faculty and parallels training at top U.S. medical schools. It involves ten semesters of concentrated academic and clinical study split between Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences.

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Start Dates

St. Matthew’s University has three start dates during the year: September, January and May.

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Admissions Requirements for US Students

Student Experience at St. Matthew’s

More than 2,000 successful graduates have earned residencies and/or permanent licensure in the U.S. as well as in Canada and numerous other countries.

These include residency placements in outstanding programs such as the Cleveland Clinic, the Mayo Clinic, the University of Florida, Johns Hopkins and Duke University.

  • Tary Jordan - SMU Med current student, wearing his white coat, inside the library.
    I chose St. Matthew's to pursue my career in medicine due to the first-time USMLE Step 1 Pass Rate, accessibility to faculty, smaller class size and scholarship opportunities