Basic Science
Basic Sciences lay the foundation for understanding the human body’s structure and function, essential for diagnosing and treating diseases effectively.
Basic Science. Semesters 1-5
Semester one
You will start with the basics: Cellular Biology, Histology and Gross Anatomy.
This course is the first in a series of required two-credit courses providing medical students with a progressive introduction to the skills and attitudes that are requisite in becoming competent, compassionate physicians.
In this first course, students will come to appreciate the essential nature of a complete history. They will understand how the vast majority of patient presentations can be diagnosed with the information available in a complete history. Students will gain experience in history taking and will gain expertise in musculoskeletal examinations.
The student will have an opportunity to develop research skills related to evidence-based medicine (EBM).
Students will be introduced to concepts of research analysis and critical thinking. At the end of this course, students will be able to identify and frame a clinical question based on therapy, diagnosis, prognosis or etiology; develop a focused search strategy to identify articles that best answer the clinical question; identify and use the appropriate medical database; and critically appraise articles for validity.
This course examines the microanatomy of cells, tissues and organs. Lectures illustrate the microstructure of major tissues and organs in relation to their function. Laboratory exercises use the light microscope to study these components and make use of slides and electron micrographs for review and discussion.
This lab-oriented course presents the molecular biology and histology of normal cells, tissues and organ systems at various developmental functional stages. Students will learn the unique characteristics of the four basic tissues of the body: epithelial tissue, connective tissue (including bone, cartilage and blood), muscle tissue and nervous tissue. Student will learn how individual cell functions interact with one another and how such interactions are accomplished from the tissue levels to the organ levels.
The course introduces molecular and control systems, and prepares the student for future understanding of normal (homeostasis) system and pathological conditions. In addition, the student learns how molecular building blocks are utilized for growth and differentiation, wound healing and tissue repair, defense mechanisms and transfer of hereditary characters. (Lecture/Lab)
This course integrates gross human anatomy and medical embryology, allowing students to understand the relationship of embryological development to gross structure and the mechanisms of congenital abnormalities.
Through lectures, use of human plastinated cadavers, evaluation of radiographs (including CT and MRI) and clinical correlations, students acquire a basic knowledge of the normal gross structure, functional and clinical anatomy of organs and systems of the adult human body, including the brain, spinal cord, back, thorax, abdomen, pelvis and perineum.
The embryological aspects including fertilization and placentation, development of each organ and system, from gametogenesis to birth, is discussed along with the gross anatomy. Clinical correlative sessions illustrate medically relevant normal and abnormal findings, and common congenital malformations are used to demonstrate mechanisms of teratogenesis.
Computer-based tutorial programs and structured reviews are used to supplement the lectures and labs. (Lecture/Lab)
Semester two
Now you will move on to the body’s molecular building blocks (Biochemistry), the complex interplay among the body’s different systems (Physiology), as well as Epidemiology and Medical Genetics.
This course provides the student with an understanding of the principles and concepts upon which current clinical genetic practice (diagnosis, treatment and counselling) is based.
This course covers the genetics of human populations and introduces recent and ongoing discoveries so that their future applications may be understood. It builds upon the foundation of basic material introduced in histology. (Lecture)
This course provides an introduction to some relevant biostatistical concepts, an introduction to data types, measures of central tendency and variation. This course introduces various study epidemiological study design, the basic principles and methods of epidemiology, with an emphasis on critical thinking, analytic skills, and application to clinical practice and research. Furthermore, the course will provide tools for critically evaluating medical and scientific literature and fine-tune the necessary skills to practice evidence-based medicine.
The biochemical pathways of living organisms are studied to include the structure of biomolecular chemistry and an understanding of energy yielding processes and the transfer of genetic material.
This course includes the study of the chemistry and reactions of constituents of living matter, including the carbohydrates, lipids, proteins, nucleic acids, vitamins, coenzymes and minerals; the chemistry and regulation of the reactions and processes of whole organisms; endocrinology; enzymology; nutrition; intermediary metabolism and biochemical mechanisms in selected disease states.
Theory and application of classical and emerging technologies in biochemical lab analysis will be covered. (Lecture/Lab)
The principles of human physiology are first studied then followed by an intensive overview of human organ system physiology to include neural, muscular, cardiovascular, respiratory, endocrine, gastrointestinal and kidney physiological processes.
The goals of this course are to enhance the student’s ability to critically analyze the cell biology mechanisms governing the functions of each system and to utilize physiological concepts in problem solving.
Small group and the hands on lab component of the course reinforce lecture material. (Lecture/Lab)
Prerequisite: Developmental and Gross Anatomy
Semester three
Keep learning about what makes us healthy with studies in Neuroscience and also what makes us unhealthy, (Microbiology), as well as Medical Psychology and Medical and Legal Ethics.
This course will provide the basic communication skills for the medical practice. Its focus will be the usual verbal exchanges that happen in the patient-doctor relation.
Emphasis will be placed in the most common mistakes that have the potential to impair the compliance with treatment and the overall trust in the relation, while keeping the broad aim of the course in improving the understanding of basic Spanish in the medical setting. (Lecture)
Students will be introduced to physical examination skills in a systems-based format. Formal teaching of skills will be followed by the opportunity to practice and improve these skills in the Clinical Skills Center. Students will be evaluated using the objective structures clinical examination (OSCE) format.
This course considers the characteristics and properties of microorganisms, their role in the disease processes and selected aspects of diagnosis and treatment of infectious disease. Other topics include the basic principles of bacteriology, mycology, parasitology, virology, immunology and microbial genetics, including cultural characteristics and pathogenic properties of medically important species of bacteria, fungi and viruses. This course covers the basic immunologic concepts of the cells and humoral products of the immune system. Lectures include the molecular biology and genetics of antigen recognition and immunoglobulin production plus the characteristics and detection of antigen-antibody reactions. The approach is to correlate these basic concepts with clinical manifestations of the disease, the immunopathologic mechanisms of hypersensitivity, autoimmunity, transplantation, tumor immunology, hematology, reproduction, infectious diseases and immunodeficiency. (Lecture/Lab)
This course will include an interdisciplinary investigation of the physiology and the gross and microscopic structure of the brain, spinal cord and nervous system of humans. Aspects of brain energy metabolism, neurotransmitter synthesis and degradation, and psychopharmacology are presented. This course integrates anatomical and physiological material to assist the student in understanding common neurological disease processes. Laboratory exercises will provide slides and dissection of the human brain, spinal cord, and relevant structures. The student will be introduced to modern methods of neuroimaging, including CT scans and MRI. (Lecture/Lab)
Abnormalities in human functioning are examined and students are introduced to psychiatric evaluation, nomenclature and clinical writing, and how to conduct a mental status evaluation. The course provides an in-depth study of the DSM-IV-R psychiatric diagnostic categories. These range from childhood disorders through geriatric dementia. Epidemiology and pathogenesis, differential diagnosis, course and prognosis, along with current treatment strategies are presented. Additionally, students participate in case-based discussions of ethical dilemmas facing today’s health care provider. Ethical analysis of moral reasoning is emphasized. Students are challenged to reflect on their personal values and moral obligations as physicians. (Lecture/Lab)
Semester four
Build your knowledge about disease (Pathology) as well as therapeutic efforts to deal with it (Pharmacology). You will also learn how to take a history and examine a patient.
Courses during the fourth semester total 30 credit hours.
Objectives are to:
- Deepen understanding of the basic mechanisms of common diseases.
- Refine the ability to assess and recognize the manifestations of common diseases.
- Understand the mechanisms involved in the treatment of various pathological states.
Students will begin to integrate the clinical skills that were introduced in the earlier courses in this series. Students will revisit history-taking and physical examination and will have the opportunity to practice their communication skills with patients, colleagues and attending physicians. As with previous courses, objective structures clinical examination (OSCE) standards will be used to evaluate students. (Lecture/Lab)
This course builds upon the students’ understanding of pharmacology, providing practical experience of medical therapeutics in a case-based format. The fundamentals of pharmacokinetics and pharmaceutical preparations including drug actions and interactions are presented as well as adverse effects and pharmacological actions. The student must be able to understand the mechanism of action of common classes of medications and be able to evaluate basic pharmacological data. This course also includes all major classes of therapeutic medications used in clinical practice in the treatment of disease processes. The clinical component will provide students with the necessary background to practice rational drug therapy as it applies to clinical practice. (Lecture).
This first section of a two-semester comprehensive curriculum is an introduction to the responses of cells, tissues and organs to major disease processes. Lectures and laboratory demonstrations will introduce students to definitions, etiology, gross and microscopic lesions, and pathogenesis. Emphasis is placed on basic concepts and principles of disease processes. (Lecture/Lab)
Semester Five
Learn more about disease in Pathology and get extensive preparation for the USMLE Step 1.
Courses during the fifth semester total 31 credit hours.
Objectives are to:
- Refine skills needed to become a qualified and skilled clinician.
- Develop cognitive and analytical skills needed for successful completion of clinical clerkships.
This second part of the Pathology curriculum focuses primarily on systemic pathology and disease processes. In this course, emphasis is placed on relating pathophysiological and biochemical abnormalities of disease processes to clinical signs and symptoms of disease. Pulmonary, cardiac, gastrointestinal, endocrine, rheumatic, orthopedic, renal, neurological and hematology organ systems are covered. Knowledge and the understanding of the etiology and pathogenesis of diseases is gained through the intense examination of clinical cases, gross material, selected microscopic slides, clinical laboratory data and X-rays. (Lecture/Lab)
This course builds upon the students’ understanding of pharmacology, providing practical experience of medical therapeutics in a case-based format. The students, working individually and in teams, have the opportunity to participate in therapeutic decision-making in clinical cases, receive feedback regarding their decisions and benefit from discussions led by clinicians involved in the practical application of medical interventions in common disease states. This course is integrated with the other co-requisite courses to allow students to attain conceptual understanding of common medical conditions and provide them with the necessary skills and perspective for their transition to the clinical wards.
This team-taught course helps the student to prepare for hospital clerkships. Students will gain practical knowledge and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of patients. Following an integrated case-based curriculum, students will take histories and perform physical examinations on trained standardized patients. They will work individually and in teams to discuss differential diagnoses and investigation strategies and will use the information gained to formulate management and disposition plans. Throughout this course there is an emphasis on the need to listen and communicate effectively with colleagues, team members and, most importantly, the patients. The students will have an opportunity to spend time with the practicing physicians in a hospital/clinical setting. Students will be evaluated both formatively and by objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) standards. Practical knowledge, skills and abilities will be tested in an objective manner.
This course utilizes daily live lectures and other materials to provide a structured, integrated review of the basic sciences. An emphasis is placed on understanding of disease processes and clinical problem solving. Students attend daily live lectures. Early in the course students are given a diagnostic pre-test to help identify problem areas and individualize learning goals. At the end of the course students are administered a full-length, simulated comprehensive exam.
Academic Calendar
Spring 2024
Classes Begin | January 8, 2024 |
Last Day of Classes | April 19, 2024 |
Diploma Date | January 12/March 15, 2024 |
Summer 2024
Classes Begin | May 6, 2024 |
Last Day of Classes | August 16, 2024 |
Diploma Date | May 17, 2024 |
Fall 2024
Classes Begin | September 2, 2024 |
Last Day of Classes | December 13, 2024 |
Diploma Date | September 6, 2024 |
Spring 2025
Classes Begin | January 6, 2025 |
Last Day of Classes | April 18, 2025 |
Diploma Date | January 10/March 14, 2025 |
Summer 2025
Classes Begin | May 5, 2025 |
Last Day of Classes | August 15, 2025 |
Diploma Date | May 23, 2025 |
Fall 2025
Classes Begin | September 1, 2025 |
Last Day of Classes | December 12, 2025 |
Diploma Date | September 5, 2025 |
Spring 2026
Classes Begin | January 5, 2026 |
Last Day of Classes | April 17, 2026 |
Diploma Date | January 9/March 13, 2026 |
Summer 2026
Classes Begin | May 4, 2026 |
Last Day of Classes | August 14, 2026 |
Diploma Date | May 22, 2026 |
Fall 2026
Classes Begin | August 31, 2026 |
Last Day of Classes | December 11, 2026 |
Diploma Date | September 4, 2026 |
Seminar Series
St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine is proud to sponsor frequent Continuing Medical Education Conferences in collaboration with leading medical organizations such as Johns Hopkins and Cleveland Clinic. Presenters are often among the top practitioners and researchers in their respective fields, and attendees include St. Matthew’s students and faculty as well as Cayman Islands medical professionals.
Medical Organizations
- Saving Lives with Innovative Radiotherapy Technologies by John Greskovich, MD
- Emerging Strategies in Breast Cancer Risk Assessment and Treatment by Thomas Samuel, MD
- Prognostic and Diagnostic Markers of the Breast Carcinoma by Peela Jagannadha Rao, MD
- Interventional Radiology Procedures Update by Rodolfo J. Blandon, MD
- Surgical Advances in the Treatment of Neurological Disorders by Badih Adada MD
- Integrative Medicine, the Way Forward by Zahida Anwar, MD
- Innovations in Solid Organ Transplant by Cedric Sheffield, MD
- Mechanical Circulatory Support: Present-tense and Future Promise by Cedric Sheffield, MD
- Student Athlete Cardiac Assessment for the PCP by Melissa Mascaro, MD
- Concussion Update: Where are We Headed? by Melissa Mascaro, MD
- Interventional Cardiology: An Update on Some of the Newer Innovations by Dr. Howard S. Bush,MD
- Breast Cancer Review and Current Surgical Recommendations by Dr. Margaret Gilot, MD
- Colon Cancer: Preventable. Beatable by Dr. Darley Solomon, MD
- Patient Experience: It is Not About Satisfaction by James Merlino, MD
- Creating a Culture of Patient Centered Care by Robert Stall
- Cultural Transformation – The Power of Everyone by Rebecca Caputo, RN and Dawn Semple
- Empathy Video – Patients: Afraid and Vulnerable by Antonio Briceno, MD
- Current Status of the Treatment of Aortic Valve Disease by John V. Conte, MD
- Management of the Axilla in Breast Cancer by Lisa Kay Jacobs, MD
- Cholesterol Management by Erin D. Michos, MD
- Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Therapy for Prostate Cancer by Christian P. Pavlovich, MD
- Early Detection, Diagnosis, and Therapy for Breast Cancer by Saraswati Sukumar, PhD
- Early Breast Cancer: A Practical Approach by Roisin Connolly, MD
- Current Concepts on Stroke Diagnosis, Management and Treatment by Allan Herskowitz, MD
- Population Health: Confronting the Challenges of the Health Care Paradigm in Developing
- Countries by Galed Hakim, MD
- Latest Advancements in Minimally Invasive Thoracic Surgery by Mark Dylewski, MD
- Skin Cancer by Adriane Vega Pompa, MD
- Preventing Chronic Diseases By Ana M. Viamonte Ros, MD
- The Role of Coronary Calcium Score and CT Angiography in the Assessment of Risk of CVD by C. Pena, M.D. (Baptist Health International)
- Advances in Heart Failure Therapy by V. Navas, MD (Cleveland Clinic)
- Guilty by Association: The Case for Peripheral Artery Disease (P A D.) by M. Chauhan, MD
- (Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital)
- Vitamin D Deficiency & Cardiovascular Risks by E. Donnelly Michos, MD (Johns Hopkins)
- Innovation in Action: How Advances in Medical Technology are Helping Real-World Patients by M. Kosiborod, MD and K. Huber, MD (Heart Health Centre Cayman and St. Luke’s)
- Integrating Cardiology Imaging and Advanced Blood Testing To Prevent Cardiac Disease by A. Agatston, MD (Baptist Health International)
- Interventional Cardiology: A look at Some Exciting New Innovations by H. Bush, MD (Cleveland Clinic)
- Unique Aspects of Women’s Cardiac Health by T. Stevens, MD (St. Luke’s)
- Advances in Cardiovascular Medicine by M. Chacko, MD (Johns Hopkins)
- Head Surgery: A Journey Back to the Future by M. Kosiborod, MD and M. BORKON, MD (Cayman and St. Luke’s)
- Interpretation of the New ACC/AHA Guidelines on the Prediction of ASCVD Risk and Management by E. Donnelly Michos, MD (Johns Hopkins Medicine)
- Cancer Related Heart Disease/Heart Disease Secondary to Cancer Treatments by M. J. Villar, DO (Baptist Health International)
- Advanced Heart Failure Management by Dr. A. Boyle, MD (Cleveland Clinic)
- Keeping the Rhythm by B. M. Ramza, MD, PhD (St. Luke’s Mid America Health Institute)
- Safe to Play by Dr. M. Kosiborod, MD (Heart Health Centre)
- Important Interventions in Cardiology – Acute in the Cath Lab, Chronic in the Office by L. A. Simkins, MD (Tenet Healthcare)
- Coronary Stenting: Have We Reached the Max? by J. M. Purow, FACC (Holy Cross Hospital)
- New Technologies to Advance Cardiac and Vascular Care by B. T. Katzen, FACR, FACC, FISR (Baptist Health International)
- Aortic Stenosis and Trans-catheter Aortic Valve Replacement by M. Chacko (Johns Hopkins)
- From Total Mess to Total Success: The Challenge of Treating Chronically Occluded Coronary
- Arteries by Dr. D. Safley (St. Luke’s M.A.H.I. & Heart Health Centre)
- Evolution of Congestive Heart Failure by Cedric Sheffield, MD
- New Specialty: Cardiac Oncology by Jorge Arturo Flores, MD, FACC
- Current Status of the Treatment of Aortic Valve Disease by John V. Conte, MD
- Treating Stroke: On the Cutting Edge by Yvonne Turner Johnson, MD
- Women’s Heart Health: The Many Shades of Gray by Tracy L. Stevens, MD
- Mending Broken Hearts: Success Stories from the Cayman Islands by Robert Piotrowski, MD, F.A.C.C
- The ASD and Hearts Requiring Extra-corporeal Support, Friend or Foe? by Kak-Chen Chan, MD
- Cancer Immune Therapy: Update on Checkpoint Inhibitors by Dr. Vineetha Binoy (Health City, Cayman Islands)
- The Latest Information in Diagnosing and Treating Skin Cancer & Oral and Throat Cancers by Alison Duncan MBBS, MSc, CCT (Derm), FRCP and Alastair Gliksman, MbBCh, FCS
- The HPV Head and Neck Cancer Epidemic – What You Need To Know by Christine Gourin, MD (Johns Hopkins)
- Screening for Lung Cancer: Are We There Yet? by Dr. Rabhi Bechara, MD, FCCP (Cancer Treatment Centers of America)
- The Genetics of Cancer by Dr. Vineetha Binoy , MBBS, MD, DM (Health City, Cayman Islands)
- Ovarian Cancer Update by Dr. Troy Gatcliffe, MD, FACOG, FACS (Baptist Health International)
- Targeted Therapy & Immunotherapy for Lung Cancer by Dr. Luis Raez, MD (Memorial Global Health)
- Contemporary Management of Genitourinary Malignancies by Dr. Chad Ritch, MD, MBA (University of Miami)
- Breast Cancer Diagnostics and Treatment in Cayman by Dr. Tanya Ebanks, MD, FMH (Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital)
- The Sentinel Lymph Node and Endometrial Cancer by Dr. Moises Lichtenger, MD (Holy Cross Hospital)
- Trends in Surgical Oncology and Management of Gl Malignancies with Minimally Invasive Robotic Surgery by Dr. Adrian Legaspi, MD, FACS (Tenet)
- Contemporary Concepts of Salivary Gland Tumors by Dr. Shawn, MD (Baptist Health)
- Radiotherapy for Head and Neck Cancers: Current State of the Art by Dr Nagy Elsayyad, MD (Miami Health System)
- The HPV Connection by Dr. Darley Solomon, MD (Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital)
- Pediatric Brain Cancer: The ABC’s of Diagnosing CNS Tumors by Dr. James Akiiiwunmi . MBBS, FRCS (Chrissie Tomlinson Memorial Hospital)
- Screening Diagnosis & Treatment of Colon Cancers: The Importance of Early Detection by Dr. Vikesh Singh, MD (Johns Hopkins)
- Prostate and Kidney Cancer: Modern Day Management in the 21st Century by Dr. David Taub, MD (Holy Cross Hospital)
- Diagnosis and Treatment of Early Gastric Cancer by Dr. Hayder Al-Azaawi , MD (Tenet)
- Clinical Reproach with Patient With Obesity by Lisa DeRosimo MD
- Nutritional and Behavioral Approach to the Obese Patient by Natalie Romero- Castro, MS, RD, LDN
- The Role and Myth of Exercise in the Assessment and Treatment of Weight Loss by Peter Katzmarzyk PhD
- Medical Consequences of Obesity-Metabolic Syndrome and Diabetes by Laurence Spading, MD
- Obesity, Dyslipidemia, and CVD Risk by Laurence Sperling, MD
- Adiposity Versus Adiposepathy by Michael Ozner, MD
- BMI Versus Waist Circumference: What Is Our Target? — A Panel Discussion Moderated by Michael Ozner, M.D.
- Dietary Approaches to the Treatment of Obesity by Teresa Ochoa R.D.
- Low Fat Versus Low Carb Diets by Arthur Agatston, MD
- Medical Treatment of Obesity by Donna Ryan, MD
- Current Status of Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery by Anthony Gonzalez, MD
- New Developments and Devices in the Surgical Treatment of Obesity by Natan Zundel, MD
- What BMI Should Be the Target of Aggressive Nutritional, Medical, and Surgical Treatment of Obesity? – A Panel Discussion Moderated by Anthony Gonzalez, MD
- The Economic Consequences of Obesity by Khurram Nasir, MD
- Mobile Health Applications in the Treatment of Obesity by Theodore Feldman, MD
- Incorporating Obesity Management into Clinical Practice and Population Management by Thinh Tran, MD and Lisa DeRosana, MD
- Opening Remarks and History of Palliative Care in Cayman by Dr. Virginia Hobday, MD — Medical Director of Cayman HospiceCare
- Different World Views at the End of Life by Rev. Guillermo Escalona
- How to Merge Usual Care with Hospice/Palliative Care, Really by Thomas J Smith, MD
- Dying In Good Hands by Christine Sutherland
Center for learning Enhancement
At St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine, we are as committed to your dream as you are. Our faculty and staff do everything possible to maximize your opportunity to succeed academically.
To that end, we have developed SMUSOM’s one-of-a-kind Center for Learning Enhancement (CLE). This center provides a set of services that are integrated with and integral to the overall program for learning at SMUSOM.
The CLE’s mission is to assist and encourage medical students to develop their academic and personal skills to foster greater academic success. These goals are accomplished through services of the CLE which include Faculty Reviews and Tutoring, Teaching Assistants, Peer Tutoring, Academic Development Workshops, and our unique Student Development Course. Qualified counselors also serve as Academic Advisors to offer individual help on request.
For each of the Basic Science courses, the faculty offer general review sessions outside of normal class times. These sessions, available to all SMUSOM students, review the key points covered in the course.
Basic Science faculty also offer small group tutoring sessions, which provide practice exam questions and other practical techniques including improving student's test-taking skills. Finally, after each exam, the faculty schedule one-on-one time to review test questions with students. Students with poor exam results are expected to schedule additional time with faculty to review the areas where the individual student struggled with the material.
The faculty member who teaches the course is the first person to whom a student should turn for help, but other resources are available through the Office of Student Affairs Center for Learning Enhancement.
Teaching Assistants are upper-semester Basic Science students who have demonstrated excellent knowledge of course material. They are provided by the university at no cost to the student.
They schedule group sessions in which they review practice questions that are provided by professors, as well as other materials to support student's understanding of course material. They also suggest learning strategies that have worked well for them in a given course.
These students are available for individual help in each course. The Office of Student Affairs arranges for tutors on request from students, but fees and meeting schedules are arranged between the tutor and the student.
- Organization of course materials
- Time management
- How to study for and take multiple choice exams
- Reading for retention
- Stress management strategies
- Listening for Learning: How to maintain good attention in lectures
- Assessment of academic strengths and weaknesses with specific recommendations for remediation as indicated.
Students can make an appointment for help in any of these areas, or personal counseling.
FAQs About the Doctor of Medicine (MD) Program
St. Matthews University School of Medicine invites ambitious and hard-working students to join our MD program. If you’re passionate about helping others, excellent at problem-solving and looking for a rewarding career, medicine could be the right path for you.
Doctors work in high pressure environments and are constantly having to make life-changing decisions for their patients. You’ll need to be prepared to put in hard work and to work in a busy role that often involves dealing with people in distress.
If you’re willing to dedicate yourself to medicine, then review St. Matthew’s MD program. The program is broken into two segments, Basic Sciences and Clinical Rotations.
Our Basic Sciences program will prepare you extensively for the USMLE Step 1 exam. Through small class sizes, taught by expert faculty in state-of-the-art facilities including gross anatomy labs, you’ll have a unique teaching experience that will enable you to be successful.
St. Matthew’s University also has achieved a first-time pass rates average of 92% and 94% for USMLE Step 1 and 2 between 2018-20222. Once you’ve successfully completed the exam, you’ll enter clinical rotations which will help you solidify your learning in a clinical environment.
When you come to study on Grand Cayman, you’ll have the best tools, a distraction-free location, and committed staff to help you fulfill your dream of becoming a physician.
2. First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step Exam on their first attempt divided by the total number of students taking the USMLE Step Exam for the first time.
Passing the USMLE Step 1 on your first attempt and scoring highly will help to position you for your preferred residency. The exam takes place over one day on which you will answer a series of multiple-choice questions to test your knowledge of the basic sciences. It is vital you are prepared for the exam.
St. Matthew’s University is committed to providing excellent USMLE Step 1 preparation to make the transition from a university setting to clinicals as smooth as possible.
From 2018-20222, St. Matthews University has achieved a First-Time Pass Rates average of 92% and 94% for USMLE Step 1 and 2 respectively.
2. First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step Exam on their first attempt divided by the total number of students taking the USMLE Step Exam for the first time.
Have you thought about what specialty interests you? During your clinical rotations, you’ll have the opportunity to explore different areas of medicine. Your core clinical rotations include Surgery, Internal Medicine, Pediatrics, Psychiatry, and Obstetrics and Gynecology whilst your electives can be in a number of different areas.
The elective portion should be focused on positioning you for the residency process. Throughout your clinical rotations the staff at St. Matthew’s works closely with you to best position you for a competitive residency.
USMLE Step 2 is comprised of two parts: Clinical Knowledge and Clinical Skills. Whereas in USMLE Step 1, the examiner was looking to see if you had a good understanding of the basic sciences, they are now looking to see if you can apply this knowledge within a clinical setting. As such, you’ll be required to answer a series of multiple choice questions in the Clinical Knowledge part of the exam. During the Clinical Skills section, you’ll face a series of diagnostic challenges from patients to further test your understanding.
As with USMLE Step 1, it is vital you start preparing for your USMLE Step 2 in good time. Make the most of your clinical rotations as this is where you’ll apply your knowledge of basic sciences in a medical setting, giving you a real experience of what it is like to be a practicing physician.
Having excellent results on USMLE Step 1 and USMLE Step 2 is the best way to secure your preferred residency. You’ll also need to be successful in both exams to gain your medical license.
However, it is not just about gaining excellent results on USMLE Step 2, many residencies will have limitations on how many attempts you take to pass the exam. Therefore, it is crucial that you choose a medical school that provides excellent preparation for these exams.
From 2018-20222, St. Matthews University has achieved an First-Time Pass Rates average of 92% and 94% for USMLE Step 1 and 2 respectively.
2. First-time pass rate is the number of students passing the USMLE Step Exam on their first attempt divided by the total number of students taking the USMLE Step Exam for the first time.
The Medical College Admission Test (MCAT) is required for all applicants who are U.S. citizens, nationals, or permanent residents. In addition, it is strongly encouraged for all other applicants and specifically required from those students who meet any of the following three conditions:
- Students with outdated required science coursework (>5 years old)
- Students who completed required science coursework at a community college
- Students with “C” grades or lower in the required science courses
SMUSOM’s MCAT code is 919. More information about the MCAT is available at the Association of American Medical Colleges (AAMC) website.
Applicants can send SMUSOM their MCAT exam scores through the online THx system as soon as they are available at the AAMC.
Please review the upcoming MCAT test dates here.