Jon Hojnoski
School/Division: School of Medicine
Email: jhojnoski@stmatthews.edu
Courses: Clinical Skill Course; Objective Structured Clinical Examination (OSCE) Preparation Workshop; EKG Interpretation
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Jon Hojnoski, MD, FACEP, is a Board Certified Emergency Physician and Fellow of the American College of Emergency Physicians.
He graduated from the University of Massachusetts Medical School in 1991 and went on to join the faculty there as a Clinical Professor of Emergency Medicine. He served as an Aero-medical Flight Physician, Assistant Director for the Institute for Disaster and Emergency Medicine at UMass Medical School, Assistant Clinical Director at a Federal Medical Center in a correctional setting, as well as Medical Director for the Emergency Medical Services of hospital-based and regional EMS systems. He has practiced clinical medicine for nearly 3 decades in both the academic setting, educating and training medical students and resident physicians, as well as private practice.
As Assistant Director for the Institute for Disaster and Emergency Medicine, he coordinated and directed the training of health care professionals from across the former Soviet Union. He co-authored the International Emergency Medical Systems Adult and Pediatric training curricula utilized by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) for the international EMS training in the New Independent States of the former Soviet Union from 1994-1998. The educational strategies for the development of International EMS systems resulted in publications in both the Annals of Emergency Medicine and the European Journal of Emergency Medicine.
He has worked as an Assistant Dean of Clinical Medicine for Saba University School of Medicine since 2019. He joined St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine as Associate Dean of Clinical Sciences in 2022.
St. Matthew's curriculum was designed by U.S.-based faculty and parallels training at top U.S. medical schools. It involves ten semesters of concentrated academic and clinical study split between Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences.