Romina Paola Kulberg
School/Division: School of Medicine
Email: rkulberg@stmatthews.edu
Courses: Behavioral Science, Patient-Doctor I, Patient-Doctor II, Patient-Doctor III, Introduction to Clinical Medicine
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Romina P. Kulberg, MD has experience working as an educator, organizing programs for clinicians, teachers, other health professionals, and parents in primary health care. In addition, she has spent many years as a university professor teaching students, Pediatric residents, and Psychiatry pediatric residents.
She received her Medical Doctor degree from the University of Buenos Aires (UBA) in Argentina. After completing her Pediatric Residency at J.P. Garrahan Children’s Hospital in Buenos Aires, Argentina’s largest and most prestigious pediatric hospital, she was chief resident and participated in the education committee in Garrahan Children’s Hospital.
She did a two-year Master’s degree course at the University of Buenos Aires, obtaining a degree in Children’s Development.
Dr. Kulberg has strong and wide experience in coordinating interdisciplinary teams with health associate professionals, therapists, and psychologists, treating children with developmental disorders and delays.
She has a particularly strong interest in preventative mental health and children’s development, providing teaching tools and strategies for care and for early diagnosis so that children are able to experience productive and meaningful lives. She has trained teachers to detect and refer children with challenges in their development, which will contribute to early detection and diagnosis.
St. Matthew's curriculum was designed by U.S.-based faculty and parallels training at top U.S. medical schools. It involves ten semesters of concentrated academic and clinical study split between Basic Sciences and Clinical Sciences.