Ronald Billips
Read the full testimonial of St. Matthew’s University School of Medicine alumni, Dr. Ronald Billips, who shared his experience at St. Matthew’s University.

Dr. Ronald W. Billips received a BS in Psychology/Sociology at Bluefield College. He went on to obtain his graduate degree at West Virginia University, Morgantown, WV.
After working 13 years in the mental health field, he chose St. Matthew’s University to further his medical career. He said he felt the clinical rotation sites offered at SMU were superior to the other schools he had considered. Having worked in the medical field for several years he realized the importance of strong clinical opportunities.
During residency, he served as a member of the Bi-laws Committee and Radiation Safety Committee, Bon Secours St. Francis Medical Center, Richmond, Virginia and was previously a member of the Pandemic Flu Advisory Group Committee, Virginia Department of Health, Richmond, VA.
He graduated from Bon Secours Family Medicine Residency where he worked as a senior resident in the Family Medicine Residency Program St. Francis Hospital, Richmond Health Systems, Richmond, Virginia.
His awards and honors include the Southwest Virginia Graduate Medical Education Consortium Report to the Virginia General Assembly, January, 2006. p2.
Dr. Billips is currently employed in a rural, primary health care facility, Prudich Medical Center, in Montcalm, West Virginia and is currently an active member with The AMA and the American Academy of Family Physicians. He is also holds a Clinical Adjunct Faculty position at Lincoln Memorial University-DeBusk College of Osteopathic Medicine.
Having started SMU as a nontraditional student with a dream he now has a very realistic view of what type of physician he wants to become. His future plans are to continue working in an under-served, rural area to provide the medical care so desperately needed. St. Matthew’s was, and continues to be, instrumental in his realization of that dream.
The Journal of Urgent Care Medicine – News: Derm Diagnoses – A graphic case report on herpes zoster from Drs. John Philip Sherrod, David Boyd, and Ronald Billips. Abstracts in Urgent Care. 2008-Jan
Disparity between guidelines and endoscopists recommendation. Am J Prev Med. Dec 2007, 33 (6); pp471-478